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No Clean Singing

There’s something going on at any given second. Cold atmospheric melodies, raw rhythms, rough riffs, and impressive twists.

Atroxentis showcase far more depth, substance, and finesse than I’ve ever heard amongst ultra-brutal death metal bands. The album is played in a more hypnotic and structured fashion than what is common amongst technical death metal. The melodies are dark, gloomy, somber, and evocative — more so than in melodic death metal. The mood is where the swart metal comes into play. Also, they blend too much and are too daring to be compared with old school death metal.

Thus, one has to conclude that this daring masterpiece sticks out in all its vicious, barbaric, and horrifying might. At least that is what I prefer to conclude. Give it a couple of rounds, with solid volume to reveal all of its details and attributes. Afterwards you will crave for more



Atroxentis ose et propose 5 morceaux (et une intro) d’un Death Metal travaillé, qui n’entre pas dans la course à la rapidité ou la brutalité. Non, Atroxentis joue plutôt la carte de l’ambiance, quitte à truffer ses morceaux d’interludes plus aériens ou à opter pour le mid-tempo. Sur le papier, on pourrait craindre l’indigestion (pas un seul morceau sous les 10 minutes), mais c’est justement cela qui fait la force de cet album. Verus Dominus prend le temps de poser son ambiance, reprenant certains patterns plusieurs fois au cours de chaque morceau en guise de fil conducteur sans pour autant tomber dans la redite (vous savez, le syndrome Gojira). Ajoutez à cela une production à mes yeux parfaite pour ce genre (mix et mastering made in Pologne, chez Sound Division Studio, excusez du peu), un artwork somptueux et un concept recherché (l’homme vs son environnement) et vous obtenez une galette de Death plus que recommandable


Metal Temple Review

ATROXENTIS delivers a solid slab of back to basics old school mid-tempo Death Metal. Takes me back to the glory days of early Death Metal. This is an album I could imagine myself buying on vinyl back in the 90's and sitting it along side the likes of BAPHOMET, OBITUARY, DEATH etc… Great stuff and highly recommended for those who like their Death Metal with some variety and not just brutality.


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